One of the very common spiritual challenges facing many people is the issue of spirit marriages. That is the of spirit husband and spirit wife. This is very prevalent in the riverine areas and in places where the worship of water spirits are common. How does this covenant come in place? It comes up when anyone or all of the following are carried out
1. Circumcision is carried out before or in the shrine of an idol using dedicated tools.
2. Special bath at a river side especially when there is sickness or one is looking for special favour or victory. A specially prepared soap and sponge will be used.
3. Ancestral dedications has taken place especially during parental initiation into the occult.
4. Specially prepared food especially those prepared with black catfishes with some form of invocations or incantations.
5. Special initiation ceremony especially at an early age before a family shrine using such things like some type of banana, yam, sugar cane etc.
And more
It is a witchcraft program meant to control the destiny of the victim especially in families where idol worship is in vogue.
Along with the circumstances above this covenant is fully entered into through certain food and drink items including some fruits. The program is rampant where the witchcraft covenant is operating in the foundation.
It is a program in places where there is the worship of marine idols and or the water idols in general. Marine deities have the capacity to give wives, husbands, children etc. to their worshippers and their families. Of course we know these are demon spirits that inhabit human beings.
As said earlier the covenant operates in areas where there is a witchcraft covenant in place. Therefore the demon spirit comes from a witchcraft gang and in the physical, the manifestation will be easily because the remaining spirit gang members will be negatively inspiring the victim to behave, in many cases, in bad manners.
A spirit husband or wife is a demon that brings a bad behavioural pattern into the life of the victim and it manifests first, in the house to the parents and then to the spouse after marriage.
The irony of life is that if the physical man has a spirit wife, the physical lady too must have a spirit husband. The only thing is that one may be more violent than the other. Spirit husbands are always more violent in their physical manifestations.
The demon spirit sticks to the victim and in fact lives inside his or her body. At night during the sleep hours, this spirit slips out of the body to operate on its victim. Hence the dream of sex or romance in the sleep.
In some more serious cases, dream pregnancy comes up and demon spirits are born. Babies so born grow up to a stage in the spirit world. These are spirits of distractions that will always shift the focus of the victim in the physical. Physical focus and achievement will be difficult.
Besides, these babies when they grow up in the spirit world become the spirit of grudge and so people with them are well known for keeping grudges in the physical. This is a spirit of death that tend to pursue the victim later in life.
When there is a spirit marriage in place, physical marriage tends to be difficult hence we talk of late marriage or none at all. Here we also talk of divource or seperation even by death. In the same vein, physical child birth becomes a problem and hence we talk barrenness or late delivery, miscarriages, still birth etc.
Physical work or carrier and finances are also affected. This is because a spirit spouse is always kept in spirit room in the kingdom of the deity thus no light of favour will be able to shine upon the victim in the physical.
Health and longevity are also sometimes a problem. The tendency is that at a stage everything comes to a standstill in the life of the victim and death is the next force to pursue the victim.
Eating in the dream especially grains will be a common phenomenon.
Either of two ways can be taken
1, Cast out the demon and its load from the inside of the body. But the problem here is that since the foundation is not dealt with, this spirit may come back in one form or the other.
2. By the help of the Holy Spirit and of a knowledgeable deliverance minister, we try to identify the negative behaviours the candidate is prone to most of the time.
One very high level characteristic of this demon is snobbery and pride. This is the characteristic of a python spirit and most marine idols are python spirits.
Therefore we cast out every spirit of pride and snobbery operating in the life of the candidate.
We must also cast out every python spirit and destroy every plantation of such in our foundation. Continue reading "COVENANT OF SPIRIT MARRIAGE"