To be able to understand all about eating and drinking in the dream, we need to understand the nature of the spirit world.
There is a spirit world whose structure in many ways is a replica of the physical. In fact everything in the physical are directly from there.
This means that there is a spirit market just exactly as there are in the physical. Markets and shops where food and drink items are sold. There are productions of food stuff as well as baking and cooking and services.
Therefore there are cooks, waiters and waitresses just as we have in the physical. This is why Elijah could be fed by spirit birds in 1Kings 17:6
1Ki 17:6 And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.
Therefore it is possible to eat and drink in dreams since there are food stuffs and cooks in the spirit realm.
Like the case of Peter in Acts of Apostles chapter 10 verse 12, these food and drink items could even be brought in a flash. But whether eaten or not the impression of the food and the message it is supposed to pass has been communicated.
We take some few examples of food and drinks eaten in the dream to see there implications and why they are eaten.
Take note of the fact that much eating and drinking in the dream signifies that there is a heavy ancestral and witchcraft covenants in the life of the individual. This has to be dealt with very well to be able to overcome eating and drinking in dreams.
Eating and drinking in the dream is sometimes meant to initiate the individual into more covenants that are meant to control his or her destiny. In other words, there will be more witchcraft operations, spirit marriages, wizardry etc. can now introduced.
It is sometimes meant to pass some evil plantations into the body. Such plantations include animal creatures like the cat, chicken, snakes, snail etc. They may include fishes, birds, insects, earth worms, etc. These are meant to control his thinking faculty. This really is full witchcraft.
It can be used to transfer or transmit sickness into the victims body. Really, it is the means of passing generational type of sickness from the father to the son etc.
It is a way to manage a spirit remote control upon the victims soul: that is his will, emotions, mind etc. The victim can now work under a witchcraft spell to do what normally he would not want to do.
It is sometimes a means whereby spiritual forces can pass into the victim the spirit of idol worship. When a man dreams of kneeling down before another man even sometimes a camouflaged man of God, it is that the victim is kneeling down before the family idol to receive negative impartations. The victim may even dream of being in a worship service, it is worship of either Satan or an idol.
It is a means to sometimes force the spirit of the occult into a mans life especially for people who have the occult in their foundation
In this manner a woman can turn a man for the purpose of initiating her into that realm. In this way, the victim dreams of killing people or animals in the dreams. He is actually slaughtering human beings.
It is means to enter into the covenant of spirit marriage especially when masculine and feminine food and drink items are taking in combinations.
The real purpose why a man can easily eat and drink in the dream is because his spiritual stamina is low and sometimes very low so that he cannot sit together with Christ in heavenly places as said in Ephesian 2:6. Besides, the scriptures is not living inside of his spirit and soul so that Mark 16:18 could not work for him.
1 Every spirit market in my foundation and destiny burn to ashes in Jesus name.