Praying is not just all about asking God for blessing or assistants, it goes beyond that. It involves the exercise of your spirit, soul and body. In other words it involves total being and full consciousness. It involves serious discipline and focus. You cannot substitute any other thing for it. And sometimes it involves real partnership with men and women of higher anointing.
We need to know this else we may not get the full benefit from it. It requires a measure of anointing and inspiration since it has to come from the spirit realm.
This is one of the very serious reasons we engage in personal bible reading and studying. It is to make our spirit become more robust and stronger for the exercise of praying.
Many people do not know that in praying they are contenting with forces or demons of family idols, witches, wizards, herbalists and other forces of darkness preventing them from making progress in life.
Prayer is to destroy the strong man ad recover all what he has stolen from us. Pharaoh must be silenced and his army put to shame. Prayer is to leave the land of bondage by force and move to the promise land of Canaan. Prayer is to cross the Red Sea and all other natural forces preventing us from moving forward. We must destroy the ancestral forces that tend to pull us back and put us in the land of bondage again.
One thing is also very clear about these forces. They are never tired of seeking and doing evil against the innocent in the land. This is the reason the bible says we should watch and pray without season.
1 peter 5:8 says
Be careful watch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion looking for some victim to tear apart. (TLB).
Below are some few prayer points we can use to combat enemy forces on a regular basis.
1. Every witchcraft and every ancestral food and drink item inside of me die and be vomited in Jesus name.
2. Every witchcraft money notes in my hands and in my bank account burn to ashes.
3. Satanic tools of witchcraft workmanship in my hands and evil employer’s pay into my pocket burnt to ashes .
4. Witchcraft ancestral spirits living in my house and land paralysed by fire and cast out.
5. Every witchcraft in-law spirit living in my house roast in fire.
6. Every demon spirit spouse living in my house roast in fire.
7. Every witchcraft gang membership and friends living in my land die.
8. The spirit of house-hold witchcraft membership in my foundation scatter by fire.
9. Every spirit beast in my house be slaughtered in Jesus name.
10. Every covenant of fruits in my foundation break in Jesus name.
11. Every covenant of the snail and tortoise, tides and witchcraft calendars in my life and destiny wipe out by fire in Jesus name.
12. Every satanic chain of witchcraft bondages in my foundation cut in pieces.
13. Every satanic dresses, shoes, and cap or head gear on me burn to ashes.
14. Every witchcraft rob-on, perfume, mud, and filth on my body be washed off in the blood of Jesus .
15. Every satanic jungle round about my house burn to ashes.
16 Every satanic monitors and spirit computers for controlling my life scatter by fire now in Jesus name.
17. The umbilical cord connecting me to any witchcraft family member cut in Jesus name.
18. My placenta in the custody of the enemy forces be covered in the blood of Jesus and returned to me in Jesus name.
19. The soil of the land of witchcraft ancestors under the sole of my feet be wash of now with the blood of Jesus name.
20. Every satanic incisions and openings for demon entrance in my body close up now by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name..
21. Every covenant with coconut water, lagoon or river water, and cashew water be cancelled now in Jesus name.
22. Every witchcraft concoction, drinks inside of my body system dry, die and flashed out by the blood of Jesus.
23. Every satanic bath soap, and pomade on my body be wash off now by the blood of Jesus.
24. Evil holes into my body close up by fire in the name of Jesus name.
25. Every negative information into my ears deleted now in Jesus name.
26. Evil telephones, Tv. set, radio and papers of negative information into my life all catch fire in Jesus name.
27. Every negative power of the seasons, weather and tide over my spiritual harvest break.
28. Every grip hold of Satan and witchcraft forces upon my mind, imaginations and spirit break.
29. Every pot and quadroon on the fire because of me destroy in Jesus name.
30. Evil pot of concoction containing my blood, and water break into pieces now in Jesus name.
31. Every evil agreement or consent of destruction of my properties be nullified and reversed now in Jesus.
32. Evil wall of isolation and gate of bondage around me scatter.
33. Demonic roof or shade of darkness over me scatter by thunder now in Jesus name
34. Every ancestral covenant of redundancy, isolation and loneliness in my life and foundation cancelled
35. Every witchcraft covenant turning into toad, duck, hen and goat cancelled forever in Jesus name
36. Every rope tying me down as goat cut into pieces by fire.
37. Every witchcraft power keeping me lying on the bed or floor break.
38. The covenant of struggle and hardship in my foundation and destiny cancelled out by fire in Jesus name.
39. Every powers making me the tail and not the head in my business break.
40. My light and the light of the works of my hands begin to shine in Jesus name.